Transform how you think and behave around money in 4 uplifting steps, as part of a group.

Live Group Coaching

Leave your financial worries at the door and get ready to shake things up. Claim your financial power with our Intensive method as part of a fabulous group of people!


Sara Jane Maxwell founder of Wealth Coach

Welcome! I’m Sara, your Wealth Coach

I’m a Certified Financial Coach, a Financial Services expert with over 20 years’ experience, and the founder of Wealth Coach.

My mission is to bring colour into the grey of finances and enable financial awakenings. I’m here to support you to find the joy in connecting to your money and your future. All without judgement, centred around you. I’ve developed the EDGE cashflow technique and the 4-step Wealth Coach Intensive so that you can swiftly begin to transform your relationship to your money, know it, and own it.


Sara Maxwell Wealth Coach Intensive

Does any of this sound like you:

  • Looking at your money or financial spreadsheets doesn’t bring you joy

  • A lack of clarity means you feel guilty when you spend on yourself

  • You feel financially unsure even though you’re successful elsewhere

  • You don’t fully trust your ability to tackle your next financial steps

  • Finances seem like a difficult or dull topic

  • You’re trapped on a treadmill to bring in enough money to get by

  • Money patterns from the past keep you stuck

  • You don’t feel fully connected to your money or the next steps to take

  • Handling money brings you stress, and you don’t feel in control

  • You’re not clear on what your vision for the future really is

  • You see wealth is negative, so you avoid your own financial power

… and more…

If so, you are not alone!

Money easily gets us tied up in knots. Don’t worry, it’s not just you. You’ve likely been told that finances are complicated, full of ‘shoulds’, experienced some setbacks, or insert-other-negative-belief-here.

But what would it be like if you could let go of these worries and patterns? If you could discover an inner confidence to own your money, know it, and use it to begin create your best life… starting now?

Sara Maxwell coaches a group of women

“ A wealth you cannot imagine flows through you ”
{ Rumi }

In this group coaching experience, you’ll be invited to see wealth differently.

Whatever your current circumstances, you’ll have the opportunity to rediscover a positivity around money, view your income in a new light, develop your ability to manage things like your cashflow, feel good when you spend, find your financial courage, take back control, allow youself to picture what you truly desire in life, and begin to create it.


We combine mindset and practical money tools in these 4 steps, so that you can reimagine your finances here and now.

You don’t need to do things the way they’ve always been done!

At Wealth Coach, we believe you have a financially empowered life just waiting to burst out of you. It’s more than cash in the bank - wealth is about enabling a life that’s truly meaningful to you. The problem is you feel a bit lost around money, or you suspect you hold yourself back. You know you’re ‘supposed to’ manage your finances and believe in yourself more, and you may even have hired a financial advisor, but money still feels complex and your dreams seem out of focus.

So let’s shake things up. Rather than tough it out alone, join us in this completely non-judgmental space to reshape your money, discover where you’ve been stuck and begin to create your future - in full colour. The financial power is yours. We can’t wait to meet you.



What if the following was available to you?

✔️ Looking at your money feels freeing and liberating

✔️ You discover a renewed confidence to handle your finances

✔️ You’re getting clear on what’s happening in your bank accounts

✔️ You understand old money patterns and begin to change your relationship with money

✔️ You uncover a powerful vision of what you want from life

✔️ Practical money knowledge is available to you

✔️ You have a clear financial roadmap, knowing what you want to create and how to make it happen

✔️ Talking about money is easier than you thought it would be, as you feel seen and heard

✔️ You implement quick positive changes to how to bring in and spend money

✔️ Managing your everyday cashflow is becoming straightforward and empowering

✔️ You find community with other lovely humans, who are also claiming their financial power

✔️ Tackling money challenges feels doable, so you take responsibility for it

✔️ You see your earning potential differently and take action to increase your income

✔️ Spending on yourself feels joyful again

✔️ You begin to create your truly wealthy life, day by day

All genuine results that our clients tell us about all the time!

This is what Wealth Coach is all about - and what our clients love. Money is accessible to YOU. Deciding your own money energy. Practical money skills, and a transformed mindset.

Your money. Know it. Own it.




Get ready for bright colours and a fresh, big energy. During these 8 weeks you’ll be introduced to new ways of looking at your money and your future (Wealth Coach style) and implement as we go along - wherever you’re starting from.

You’ll leave each of the x4 live online workshops with a clear action plan, tools to use, and a workbook. Recordings are provided in case you miss a live session. You’ll use the 2 weeks until the next session to take action, moving you forward step by step. By going on this journey in a small group, you’ll also find comradery and shared experiences… money can feel isolating, so let’s smash that. We go through Q&A together during the workshops, providing encouragement and coaching that reflect your unique life.


The 4x steps of the Wealth Coach Intensive method are covered in a dedicated workshop each:

Workshop 1: Are you feeling stuck?


Workshop 2: What you’ve got, what’s available to you and (most importantly) what you want

Workshop 3: Creating a vision you really want


Workshop 4: Make it happen and stay accountable


You’ll also receive the ‘EDGE’ money toolkit, which our 1:1 clients love to use

Learn to master your everyday money planning with the Wealth Coach cashflow technique (where joy takes centre stage) plus easy-to-use trackers that demystify financial resources like pensions. Looking after your money doesn’t need to be dull, honest.

EDGE money toolkit by Wealth Coach


This group coaching experience does NOT involve regulated financial advice. We will never tell you what to do, instead offering education and empowerment to allow you to understand and make the decisions relating to your money.


Meet you wherever you’re currently at

Understand if you’re hesitant to speak about your money

Honour your unique life and desires

Put YOU in control of your financial choices

Welcome you whether you’re ‘good with numbers’ or not


Speak about money in a language you don’t understand

Make money seem complex or distant

Wear intimidating suits

Judge your current circumstances

Aim to restrict you to a slimmed down budget


In this programme, you can expect to:

✔️ Reshape your relationship with money and past beliefs, so that you’ll invite in a new bright energy and act differently in your finances

✔️ Shine a truthful light on your current money circumstances (including your current wealth & resourcefulness, which might surprise you!) so that you’ll adapt things to fit the life you want to lead

✔️ Visualise and celebrate your authentic desires and strengths, so that you’ll set financial goals that you can actually stick to - because they feel truly meaningful and exciting

✔️ Get renewed financial confidence so that you’ll have a clear how-to plan to make your future happen, and take action now

… and most importantly?

Discover a joyful connection to your money and future

How to join

Ready to finally shift both how you manage your finances AND your relationship to money?

Then get this cost-effective group-level support with Wealth Coach in the company of other lovely people.

Look forward to meeting you!


Book as a group of friends

£350 per person. Minimum of 4 people. The programme will be run bespoke for you.


Join the next open round

Currently waitlisted. You will receive dates and details when we open enrolment. Past pricing £395 per person (subject to change).

What’s included?

  • 4x group workshops live online, with coaching, teaching materials and exercises, so that you begin to see your money in full colour

  • Workbooks and action plans between sessions, so that you take action and create change as we go

  • The EDGE money toolkit, including cashflow technique, so that you can look after your finances with joy

  • Live Q&A during the workshops, so that you get targeted help with your unique situation and learn from others too

  • Private online community so that you can connect with one another

  • Recordings so that you don’t miss out if you can’t attend a workshop

  • Fun surprises, because we believe in being EXTRA!


Live workshop dates

  • Group of friends - Decided bespoke to suit you as a group

  • Next open round - Announced when we open enrolment (make sure you join the waitlist)

Money coaching by Wealth Coach

Client results

This programme will run for the first time in this new format. Example results seen by other Wealth Coach clients who have completed the Intensive on a 1:1 basis include:

  • “I was able to gain a deeper understanding of my money patterns and how to make friends with something I had found scary all my life

  • “I now have templates to manage my business and personal cashflow which has made a huge difference to the way I manage my finances”

  • “I feel very in tune with my money and the abundance of the world and my own inner value”

  • “I felt inspired to put Sara’s recommendations into action immediately (like actually before the workshop had ended!)”

  • “My relationship to money has fundamentally changed and is far healthier than it has ever been”

  • “Rather than the tightening up I’d anticipated, Sara has helped me see how to curate my work life balance to how I’d like it to be”

  • “I was able to rip off a plaster I had ben hiding away from for the last 2 years. This felt freeing and liberating”

  • “You get real outcomes that you can implement in your day to day life, like ideas and routines to put in place that help. I now have belief in myself.”

Lara Sheldrake Wealth Coach testimonial

“Not only is Sara warm and approachable but she is unbelievably knowledgeable in areas of finance and business which meant I was able to look at all areas of my financial wellbeing with a holistic approach knowing no stone would be left unturned.

The work I did with Sara has been life changing.

From my money mindset and financial management to understanding areas within my business, including processes that could be improved, I've been able to increase my income x 3(!) and now have a clear strategy for my future funds (investments, savings & pensions) whilst also making sure I have enough for a 'joy fund' :-)

Finally, I can enjoy money and look forward to opening up my spreadsheets!

Thank you Sara, I'm excited for what the future holds and for the first time I am clear on my financial expectations and goals.”

LARA SHELDRAKE, Founder of Found & Flourish

Katya Willems Wealth Coach testimonial

“I initially wondered if I needed any more financial support as I've been working with a financial planner, and I was already being coached by a business coach. But it was so worth it!

You’ve changed my life for the better, and helped me overcome some difficult, messy and deeply entrenched attitudes and beliefs about money.

Yet the whole process was SO MUCH fun! I’ve felt optimistic, excited, happy, and energised after our sessions.

I’ve now put my prices up. My Special Sauce package has nearly doubled in price. Your encouragement, feedback and the visualisations definitely contributed to this.

The visualisation of what I wanted money to mean to me was so powerful. I realised that I help people by being very adventurous spirited and a role model. What a revelation that’s been. It really helped me to acknowledge and revel in my own power. It also validated that the more adventurous I am, the more positive ripples I can send out into the world.”

KATYA WILLEMS, Instagram coach at

Your questions answered…

  • Definitely not, you are welcome wherever you are starting from (and wealth looks different for everyone - it’s not just about cash in the bank).

  • No! Although the live workshops are interactive, and you are free to share and ask questions, you do not need to disclose anything about your finances.

  • Financial coaching by Wealth Coach is all about you embodying your own financial power, empowering you to make your own decisions around money, know it and own it. We look at your relationship to money and how you can make new choices and manage it differently to create your future. We never tell you what to do. We do not provide any financial advice, recommend any financial products or provide any other form of regulated activity. However working with Wealth Coach can put you in a position to better understand and scrutinise any financial advice you receive elsewhere.

  • The workshops are held over Zoom. If you need any assistance setting this up, we can point you in the right direction.

  • You’ll have two weeks between each live workshop, when you’ll take actions, make changes, explore ideas etc. (don’t worry, you’ll receive guidance). It’s entirely up to you how much time you want to commit, but we would suggest 2 hrs minimum between each workshop.


Wondering about anything else? Drop us a line here: